✦ Mechanic for a custom PFP for each Moni Wizard (🧙,👾)


🧙‍♂️🖼️ Wizards are individuals, and we want to highlight it.

So the team has decided to simplify the requirements for getting your own PFP. Our artists will start drawing a personalized piece of art for you in our style as soon as you send us your idea.

To get your PFP:

  1. You must have our NFT (be a holder)
  2. Open a "Support ticket" in #📮│tickets
  3. Write there your idea, some references, favorite characters, or whatever you want to see on your art. Visual references would be great, but only text description is good, too.
  4. We start to draw it, and after that, you will find something magical, and we change the metadata on IPFS for your hat (if you want to).

We've already created over 40 pfps, so you can check it here:

*https://opensea.io/collection/moni-wizards* – *https://twitter.com/getmoni_io/status/1613919298627461121 (full gallery)*

Wizards’ Gallery

However, if u wish to remain anon with your wallet, we won't change it in metadata and on Opensea 🥷👀

p.s.: keep in mind that there will probably be a queue, and you can ask for changes in the picture 2 times max. Also, holders from earlier waves have priority over holders from later waves.

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